What is the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement therapy in the menopause?

What is the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement therapy in the menopause?

Androgens have been demonstrated to play a role in sexual motivation in women, including but not limited to exhibiting sexual interest, initiating sexual activity, and responding to sexual stimulation.

Women in the reproductive period and after menopause produce androgens that contribute to ovarian function, sexual function, bone metabolism, cognition, among other actions. indications for using testosterone are for promoting wellbeing, mood and cognition. 

Testosterone replacement therapy for women in the menopause have showed favourable effects on sexual function but results varied across different trials and different health outcomes.

In this episode Prof Wattar and Prof Talaulikar discuss and critically appraise and discuss the findings of a meta-analysis by Islam et al which evaluated safety and efficacy of testosterone for women with menopause.

Link to the episode on YouTube:

Link to the article:


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