Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease: Risks and Benefits

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality and a significant cause of morbidity in women. Adverse cardiometabolic changes associated with the menopause transition plus aging contribute to the increased risk of CVD in women with increasing incidence after age 60 years.

Multiple factors influence CVD risk in women including ethnicity, obesity, smoking status, age at onset of symptoms, education level, perceived stress and depression and vasomotor symptoms are probably linked to CVD risk

Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is the most effective therapy for management of vasomotor symptoms and urogenital atrophy, and guidelines agree that MHT initiated for management of vasomotor symptoms in healthy women before age 60 years or within 10 years of menopause is associated with a favorable risk–benefit profile.

In this new episode, Prof Wattar and Prof Talaulikar discuss the results of a large meta-analysis by Bontempo et al highlighting potential benefits and risks of using HRT among women at risk or who have cardiovascular disease.

Link to video:

Link to full article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/…

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